odyssey exhibition


Deepali’s artistry extends beyond the canvas; it is a reflection of her vibrant spirit and unwavering dedication to her craft. Her artistic journey began at an early age and continued even after completing her bachelor’s degree in engineering, as she pursued her passion in fine arts. Her commitment to this field led her to attain a graduate degree in fine art, a transformative step in her artistic evolution. She sought inspiration from various sources and experimented with different techniques and mediums, and she further gained her expertise in oil painting. Working in the impressionist style, Deepali captures the essence of her subjects with bold brushwork and a deep understanding of light and shadow. Her artwork breathes life into the canvas.

Her passion for plein air painting fuels her creativity, drawing inspiration from her travels to various locations. Immersing herself in nature’s beauty, she sets up her easel and paints on-site, capturing the essence of her surroundings with authenticity. Her representational art celebrates the beauty of the world, transporting viewers to diverse landscapes, architectural grandeur, and cityscapes.

Deepali’s artworks have garnered recognition and admiration, gracing exhibitions and galleries including the India Art Festival and the International Khajuraho Art Festival, as well as being showcased at numerous national and international art fairs.

Her passion lies in capturing the beauty of nature on canvas through the lens of Impressionism. With a keen eye for light and color, she translates the vibrant qualities of the outdoors into her work, striving not just to replicate nature but to convey her visceral reactions to it. For her, art is a source of inspiration and a reminder of the world’s inherent beauty. Through her paintings, she finds a powerful medium to express her emotions. Grateful for the legacy left by the Impressionists, she embraces their mastery of color, light, and technique, feeling truly fortunate to carry on that rich tradition.

Varsha Karale
Art Curator

Divine Temple, 22” x 28”

Golden Alley, 24” x 24”


City of Dreams, 50” x 40”

Protective Arch, 19” x 15”

Orcha Tower, 42” x 30”

From my window, 20” x 20”

Southern Drummer, 42” x 30”

Protective Arch, 19” x 15”

Vine to Wine, 13” x 13”

Journey of shows -

- National Art Exhibition Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath 2024
- Khajuraho Art Festival 2023
- India Art Festival 2022
- Nehru Centre Art Gallery - Chatak 2022
- Art Society of India Founder Week Celebration 2022
- Art Society of India Founder’s Week Group Show 2019
- International art exhibition at Dubai art center 2007
- Winner of National Art Contest and Exhibition 2024
- Plein Air Category Winner of International Kalaarambha Online Art Competition 2024
- People’s Choice Award Kalaarambha Online Art Competition 2022
- Best Painting Award Venture 32 Day Challenge Online 2022
- Winner of Mix Media Painting in Dubai International Art Centre 2007

Deepali Deshpande
Address - 401/ 3B, Samarth Aangan, off new link road, Oshiwara, Andheri west, Mumbai.

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Deepali kame Deshpande